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Transform Mental Health with Indian Psychiatric Rehab Center

Although India is witnessing a massive growth in several sectors recently keeping up with western counterparts, one aspect the nation is still lagging far behind is dealing with  health issues.

Following social isolation during the pandemic, psychiatric issues like depression, schizophrenia, psychosis, other mood and behavior disorders have shot up significantly among the population.

The recent National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) report mentioned that 6-7 % of Indians suffer from mental health disorders. Analysis of trends has indicated that this will further increase to 15% by 2021.

Even World Health Organization (W.H.O.) reported quite earlier that “one in four families is likely to have a minimum of one member with a behavioral or mental health disorder.”

A recent report of the World Health Organization says that around 7.5% of Indians are mental health patients.

If these disorders are not treated on time, it will result in a deteriorated quality of life.

India has one of the highest suicide rates, especially among the youth. One student is committing suicide almost every hour in the country.

What India severely lacks is infrastructure in medical health services.

Only 41% of the patients suffering from any mental health disorder receive or approach treatment.

So, apparently the problem is not with existing mental health illnesses but with inadequate care and treatment.

According to a Harvard Medical School study mental illness is widespread- and 25% of adults in developed countries still go through this trauma, they lack care by adopting outdated treatment.

The reason is, that most people either ignore the symptoms or feel they’ll be stigmatized if they seek treatment. As per their study, approximately 60% of the mental health patients did not opt for treatment.

COVID-19 has magnified the problem.

These are clear indications that there is a greater need for psychiatric rehabilitation centers in India.

How cognitive ability can be restored with the right treatment

Emotional and mental health is important to achieve overall well-being. Technological innovations have led to better mental health services. But, the accessibility of these services for the patients is what matters the most. Psychiatric rehabilitation centers in India have the best treatments to give back a normal life to a patient by restoring stable mental health. Since the case and needs of every patient are different, the mental health professionals at these centers formulate customized treatment interventions to suit their needs.

Here are some of the most common therapies, assessments, and treatments that can help the patients:

  • Medical assessment
  • Bio-psychosocial assessment
  • Psychiatric assessment
  • Substance abuse assessment
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Process group therapy
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Narrative treatment
  • Life skills building
  • Building self-esteem and emotion management

These comprehensive treatments are administered according to the symptoms and a range of psychiatric conditions such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, substance abuse, autism, ADHD, and PTSD among others.

Dealing with serious mental disorders can be taxing, not only for the patients but also for their near and dear ones. The psychiatric rehabilitation centers in India follow a comprehensive process to address the root cause and relapsing episodes of psychotic disorders in patients. Treatment modalities may include medical detox, psychotherapy, medicinal treatment, or all these when the situation demands.

Get timely help

A sound mental health is paramount to lead a good life. People should not ignore the warning signs of any mental health disorder and try to self-medicate without approaching professional help. This can only complicate things for them and their families.

Seeking professional help before the matter slips out of hand is the right solution. We, at Athena—one of the top psychiatric rehabilitation centers in India, provide the best treatment to holistically and sustainably recover our patients. Our safe and comfortable environment caters to every need of a patient. If you or a loved one is need of any care for mental health issues, reach us on our toll-free number- 9289086193 or chat online with our representatives to get further information about our treatment programs.