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How Indian Rehab Centers Transform Teens’ Lives

  • Post category:Recovery

When it comes to mental health care, India ranks lowest in public sector spending. Our country earmarks less than 1% of the annual budget for mental health care. The nation spent a very meager amount on India’s National Mental Health Programme in 2017-2018. It reflects the apathy we as a country have for mental health problems. Since the mental health crisis is growing day by day, these facts are a huge concern.  The minutes of a National Human Rights Commission meeting in 2017 depict how the mental health and policy circles are divided about the role of faith healers and medical institutions. Also, news reports reveal that trained mental health practitioners aren’t easily available to most people in the country.

Another mammoth problem in the country is addiction to illicit substances, which calls for immediate and effective health care intervention. A report published in 2019 on the magnitude of substance abuse in India under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment mentioned the magnitude of the problem of substance abuse and how counterproductive it is. As per the experts, only 0.5 % or one in 180 drug addicts in our country received medical treatment for their condition. There is also an inherent social stigma attached to drug addiction in India, making it further difficult to fight the menace.

People should understand the threat faced by our young minds in the form of substance abuse and underlying mental health conditions. By indulging in abuse of addictive substances, minors are ruining their opportunities that lie in front of them.

An earlier survey conducted by the National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre (NDDTC) at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) on drug abuse in children showed that 83.2% had used tobacco, 67.7% indulged in alcohol, 35.4% consumed cannabis, and 34.7% were taking inhalants such as glue and correction fluid.

What’s more alarming was that the study also found only a miniscule 5% of the adolescents received treatment for substance abuse. Although some of them got counseling, it was after five years since they began consuming drugs. So, to counter all these maladies, the only solution is the mental health and de-addiction centers in India.

How do rehab centers heal patients?

Treatment is paramount to get rid of addictive substances through professional help. A rehab center is a facility that mainly treats addicts and mental health patients. The mental health professionals here provide different environments, levels of care, and treatments depending upon the current condition and needs of the patients. Their goal is to help patients overcome addiction by healing the mind and body from its harmful effects.

The treatment programs begin with a comprehensive diagnosis to formulate a personalized treatment plan. Every person has different after-effects of consuming addictive substances and needs an individualized recovery. Medical detox is a must, especially for patients who are physically dependent on addictive substances or facing psychiatric issues while grappling with addiction. It’s important to note that rehabs also look into the underlying reason for an addiction problem, which is mainly a mental health issue.

Addiction or mental health treatment involves various therapies. To prevent relapse after treatment, drugs or alcohol are replaced with positive alternatives. Mental health issues are a delicate subject and addiction to drugs and other substances can make it worse. It’s important to deal with both these issues simultaneously to prevent relapse. These are some of the therapies provided at rehab centers that work effectively on patients:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Residential Treatment
  • Outpatient Care
  • Inpatient Care
  • Relapse Prevention  Therapy
  • Mindfulness Therapy
  • Medication Management
  • Medical Detox
  • Family therapy and Counselling

Addiction and deteriorated mental health are serious problems. It not only affects the individual but the closed ones as well. Get professional medical help before it gets too late.

Choose the right rehab center in India

Don’t hesitate to seek help when you feel there is a need! Make the most out of your life by removing all the side effects of addictive substances with Athena, one of the promising rehabilitation centers in India. Our best treatment programs heal you or your loved one holistically. Come and embrace the most productive life ahead. Contact us at our 24/7 available helpline – 9289086193 or chat online with our team to get more information about our treatment programs.