Best Family Therapy Hospital in Gurgaon Delhi NCR, India

Having trivial family conflicts daily is common, but what if that trivial issue leads to additional mental health problems and major fights in the household?

Athena Behavioural Health, the best family therapy hospital in Gurgaon, Delhi, NCR, India, is there to help you solve your family problem before it’s too late.

However, family therapy is a type of psychotherapy in which family members actively participate in addressing issues that impact the health and functioning of the family.

The idea is that families are interconnected individuals, where change in one part of the system can impact the whole family.

This family therapy helps to improve communication, and understanding, resolve conflict, and build healthier relationships.

Family therapies are particularly effective for problems like marital conflicts, addiction, parent-child conflict, and mental health disorders, as they are concerned with the dynamics within the family that may lead to these issues.

This will briefly explain the types of family therapies available and why one should choose Athena Behavioural Health as India’s best clinic for seeking treatment and guidance related to family issues.

Types of Family Therapy Provided at ABH

The available types of family therapy, which use a diverse range of therapeutic approaches to address the dynamics within the family unit, are:


Structural Family Therapy

This therapy focuses on restructuring family dynamics in order to build and strengthen relationships among the members and clear out their roles and boundaries.

Strategic Family Therapy

This therapy focuses on achieving specific goals through targeted interventions, such as therapists assigning tasks to family members to identify the issues and teach them problem-solving skills within the family.

Systemic Family Therapy

Therapists here help the family members understand the interconnectedness of the family unit and the ways that it contributes to other issues. They also encourage changes that can help improve family functioning.

Narrative Family Therapy

Narrative Family Therapy focuses on families narrating stories about their lives, which helps the therapists identify and reframe the negative stories, allowing for new and positive stories that can support positive growth and development.

Psychoeducation and Support Groups

They educate families about mental health problems and treatment options. This also offers an environment where families can share and learn from each other, fostering their ability to develop coping skills and support one another effectively.

Multigenerational Family Therapy

Therapists concentrate on the family’s inherited belief system, which can shape family interactions and break the cycle of negativity within the family.

Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy (CBFT)

Emphasizes the cognitive and behavioral patterns by helping the family members change their negative thoughts into positive ones.

Depending on the individual differences within the family, ABH uses each of these approaches to help the families communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and build healthier relationships by promoting harmony and resilience within the family.

Best Family Therapy Hospital in Gurgaon Delhi NCR India

Athena Behavioural Health in Delhi deeply understands the challenges faced by family members dealing with family issues, addiction, and mental health problems.

These issues can lead to reduced overall well-being for the individual, a loss of growth and productivity in the workplace, and limited personal time.

The best hospital for family therapy in Gurgaon, Delhi, NCR, India, strongly advocates for counseling of the family members in order to help them resolve conflict and other issues.

ABH has gained a reputation for providing superior treatment plans for the following reasons:

Family Support Provided at ABH

ABH provides regular updates on the patient’s progress and offers emotional support to help families stay connected and positive during a difficult period.

Family Involvement at ABH

Throughout the recovery journey, ABH involves family members in the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment planning process.

Athena Behavioural Health looks for Family Counselling

At ABH, we offer regular counseling sessions to help families cope with the emotional stress of caretaking.

These sessions offer a safe space, giving opportunities for families to express issues and concerns amidst the turmoil.

Organizing Regular Meetings at the Best Family Therapy Hospital

Understanding that families require critical support during the recovery process, we organize timely meetings with patients under the clinic’s protocol.

Additionally, based on the requirements, we organize meetings with loved ones to update them on the progress.


In conclusion, family therapies play a vital role in addressing complex issues and challenges faced by families dealing with internal conflicts and other mental health disorders.

Athena Behavioural Health, the best family therapy hospital in Gurgaon, Delhi, NCR, India, uses a variety of therapeutic techniques, including systemic, narrative storytelling, psychoeducation, multigenerational, and cognitive-behavioral family therapy.

By involving families in the treatment process, providing timely counseling sessions, and facilitating family meetings, we work towards enhancing communication, building support systems, and strengthening relationships within the family unit.

We not only aim to heal the individual during the recovery process but also to empower the entire family to achieve greater resilience and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

ABH’s highly trained therapists work with families with non-traditional structures, providing support to address these challenges.

Definitely, family therapy does help to resolve conflicts over household chores through discussion, which helps to promote fairness and harmony within the family.

At ABH, we do organize outdoor sessions like meditation and mindfulness in nature, as well as ecotherapy.

Yes, family therapy does address cultural differences based on individual cases with sensitivity and understanding.

We use age-appropriate methods like art therapy, play therapy, and storytelling to engage children and help them express themselves openly.