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Why are certain groups more prone to depression?

  • Post category:Depression

Finding people who are prone to severe depression is among the most difficult tasks for researchers and mental health professionals. Everything from social and environmental risk factors to physicochemical and biological variations inside the brain has been linked by research.

Depression is complicated, which makes it difficult to identify and manage. The initial step in creating preventative and management plans aimed at reducing individual sensitivity to the disease is understanding what could make a person more prone to suffer depression.

Researchers may be able to anticipate who will have depression as well as how the disorder will manifest throughout time if they have a better grasp of the many pathways that underlying causes for depression.

The World Health Organization estimates that over 300 million individuals suffer from depression globally. Even though many people suffer sadness, every person’s unique set of risk factors will play a role in the development of the disorder.

Genetics is one of the aspects over which you have no influence. Certain things can be changed, though, including your nutrition. Change may help lower your risk even if it won’t always avoid depression.

Understanding the variables that may increase one’s lifetime risk of developing depression is beneficial, regardless of one’s ability to control them. It is important to keep in mind that scientists are still trying to determine what part each component plays. It’s not a guarantee that one will get depression just because she/he has one or more of the risk factors.

There are few biological causes of depression, and although the specific relationship between brain chemicals and sadness is still up for debate, researchers have been talking about it for many years. According to various well-established hypotheses, sadness may result from lower concentrations of particular neurotransmitters, which even the cells in the brain use to communicate.

According to some experts, depression produces low levels rather than the other way around. The relationship could even be reciprocal.

The use of drugs that affect these neurotransmitters has been shown to improve symptoms of depression in certain patients. However, some depressed individuals may not feel good after antidepressants, which has led some experts to question whether there is sufficient evidence to establish precise links between depression and brain chemistry.

Depression runs in the family (genetic) and children of such a family have a higher chance of developing depression over his/her lifetime. This is known as the genetic predisposition to depression in an individual’s life.

Individuals who suffer from long-term conditions including multiple sclerosis, type 2 diabetes, and migraines frequently experience depression since they are prone to a high level of pain. They bear a prolonged period of pain.  According to research, people with chronic pain issues may have metabolic changes that result in depressive symptoms.

When faced with degradation of life quality, diminished level of daily functioning, extended agony, and/or mortality, an individual with severe pain and sickness may experience depression as a result of their condition.

Hormonal changes in the body also risk the person from having depression. Hormonal changes are frequently seen in female bodies due to the menstrual cycle every month, other conditions like pregnancy and menopause lead to such concern.

Early trauma or abuse in one’s life risks that person to the condition of mental health. Dysfunction in a household environment such as heavy substance abuse by any of the parents, domestic violence, or sudden death of a close family member can also be an underlying factor of depression for that individual. Physical or emotional neglect from close ones to any individual also triggers an individual emotionally.

Social factors such as grief, personality factors of that individual, stress and conflict dealt with by them daily and social media are some other reasons leading to rising in the rate of depression.

Lack of nutritional diet or physical activity lowers the stimulation of a few neurotransmitters leading to the initiation of mental health.

Seek Help

Depression is one of the most common and severe mental health issues affecting many around us. While many might take it lightly, it is important to understand that the condition affects an individual in multiple ways such as loss of appetite, fatigue, the feeling of helplessness, guilt, and grief. Therefore, one must seek the right kind of help at the right time.

If you are on the lookout for the best mental health counselor in your vicinity, contact Athena Behavioral Health today and our team of trained psychologists and psychiatrists can provide you with the best counseling sessions for mental health. For more information, call our WhatsApp number 9289086193 to speak to a representative.

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