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Are You Working Harder Than Your Child on Their Anxiety?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD is a common mental health issue that keeps an individual stuck in the vicious cycle of obsessions and compulsions. These emotions are so strong that these begin to interfere with an individual’s everyday life. According to DSM-IV, OCD is a chronic anxiety disorder and is a lifelong illness.

Obsessions refers to any unwanted and disturbing thoughts, images, and urges that make an individual undergo anxiety and discomfort. Compulsions refer to the repetitive and ritualistic behaviors or thoughts a person engages in to reduce his/her obsessions.

OCD can affect adults as well as children. However, it gets difficult to diagnose the condition in children as they generally are embarrassed of their feelings and hide them, suffering in silence.

Therefore, it is important to be aware of the common signs that signify the presence of OCD in children. Some of these are as mentioned below:

  • Excessive hand washing
  • Excessive showering
  • Constantly checking certain things like locks, appliances
  • Arranging and rearranging objects
  • Needing things to be done in a certain way or in order
  • Intrusive thoughts or worries
  • Disturbing thoughts and worries

Ways to Help Children with OCD 

There are several ways in which parents can help their children dealing with OCD. A few of these are as mentioned below:

  1. Encourage open discussion : Encourage your child to discuss openly about their condition and the symptoms experienced by them. This will help them feel more comfortable in expressing their thoughts and fear. It is also important to provide reassurance that you are there for them even in their worst situations. 
  1. Avoid comparisons : Try and avoid making comparisons with other children. Focus on their individual progress and celebrate even the small victories to make them feel valued and better.
  1. Create a calm environment : A calm environment will help your child feel more relaxed and calmer at home. Reducing stress at home is important to make them feel better by having a set routine, establishing clear rules, and providing plenty of structure.
  1. Encourage positive thinking : Instill positive thinking in your child by challenging their negative thoughts. Help them in building more realistic and positive thought pattern, which, in turn, can help in reducing their anxiety. Help them understand that their thoughts are not always correct and accurate.  
  1. Build new interests : Help them expand their interest area and inspire them to try some new things. This will enable them to focus on other things than OCD and build confidence while learning new skills. For instance, if they are afraid of animals, take them to zoo; if they are afraid of water, inspire them to take swimming classes.

 Seeking Help Is the Key 

Apart from these, it is also important to set certain limits on children’s behavior and help them stick to their daily routine. This will help them curb the symptoms of the condition and feel better. Make sure to meet their specific needs and if required, seek professional help.

In case you are looking for a professional help or you know someone who is showing signs of OCD and is looking for an expert in this domain, Athena Behavioral Health is the place to get their correct diagnosis done and know the complete details about their condition.

Athena Behavioral Health is one of the safest, reliable, and secure treatment centers for mental health and addiction among individuals. Backed by a team of experts at our treatment facility, we make sure that the best customized treatment is provided to each patient so that the fastest recovery of each patient can be ensured. Our state-of-the-art infrastructure and well-furnished office make sure that you get a comfortable stay. So, if anyone around you or someone else you know is addicted to any form of substance or is dealing with any mental health issue, contact Athena Behavioral Health for complete treatment. Interested to know more details about our treatment plans and facility? Contact us today at 9289086193 or drop us an email at

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