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Mental Hospital Near Me: Navigating Your Mental Health Journey

A famous old saying says, “A woman becomes complete only after becoming a mother.” And, there are a lot of quotes about being a mother and motherhood. However, very few people are aware of Postnatal depression. Yes, it is a type of depression that many couples experience after having a baby, and it is not something unique. As per the statistics, every 1 woman out of 10 deals with this depression within a year of giving birth. What’s surprising is that sometimes, it even impacts the fathers too.

The key to tackling postnatal depression is to get help from a therapist as soon as you or your partner feel depression or any other symptoms related to it. This depression could last for months or if not treated, it can impact you for a long time, which, in turn, can have adverse effects on your baby and family. However, it can be treated successfully with the right support from loved ones and medical guidance.

Symptoms of Postnatal Depression

Baby blues” are common and can be considered normal in women who feel low energy, mood swings, tearfulness, or anxiety for almost 1-2 weeks after giving birth however, if the condition continues for more than 2 weeks or starts after initial 2 weeks than, it is a high chance of postnatal depression.

Some of the common symptoms that can be noticed if the person is dealing with postnatal depression are:

  • Unhappiness and low mood throughout the day
  • Feeling dizzy and no interest in socializing
  • An extreme sense of tiredness and lack of energy
  • Inappropriate sleeping cycle
  • Hard to manage the baby and yourself
  • Losing focus and being unable to make any decisions
  • Terrified and fearful thoughts about the well-being of your baby

Often females do not understand they have postnatal depression because it can develop slowly. Delivery specialists and health visitors are trained by many hospitals to recognize postnatal depression and have techniques that can help.

Therefore, it is important for females who have just delivered a baby and their family members to understand a few key points:

  • Talking Therapy and some kind of help and support are available.
  • It is important to understand depression and stress like other mental illnesses.
  • You are not the only one who is going through this phase and neither it’s your fault. The condition can affect anyone
  • Parenting includes so many things and being depressed does not define you as a bad parent.
  • Do not consider yourself crazy. Be patient and get treatment.
  • No one will take away from your baby. It is only in critical situations that babies are taken into care.

Causes of Postnatal Depression

Several factors can lead to this type of depression. However, mentioned below are some of the common causes that can cause postnatal depression:

  • If there was any history of mental health problems, specifically depression, in the past.
  • During pregnancy if there is a history of mental health problems.
  • No support from family or friends.
  • Bad relationship with partner
  • Experienced Domestic violence or any Trauma

Even without these symptoms, an individual can have postnatal depression as becoming a parent itself comes with huge responsibilities and it is a life-changing event, which can sometimes trigger depression. Taking care of a baby can be stressful and exhausting.

Treatments for Postnatal Depression

  • Self-reliance – Understand and accept the depression then talk to your family and friends about your condition and ask them for help. Make sure you have time and do whatever you like in that time of yours. For instance, taking proper rest can help you to calm and rejuvenate, getting a good night’s sleep is crucial, doing any form of exercise regularly is recommended, and eating a healthy diet is in no way unnecessary.
  • Talking therapy – Find a behavioral health hospital or you can book an appointment with Athena Behavioral Health, an NABH-certified, government-approved mental health hospital. Here, experts focus on understanding your condition and recommend a self-help course or may start a course of therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as per your condition.

To get a consultation on treatment facilities from a professional, please reach us through email at or call us at +91 9289086193 It is our privilege to take the pain out of yours! Athena BHS is surely one of the best Mental Hospital Near Me that can help you in Navigating Your Mental Health Journey.

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